The portfolio are automatically updated everyday – There is no human intervention
- Strategies made for conservative investing
- No more than 1 trade in a day
- No trading on margin
- No Options / Futures / Currencies
- High volume stocks (average volume of 1 million shares or higher)
- Precise entry/exit targets
- Precise stop loss targets
Trading Strategy #0: 100% Auto Trade
This is 100% fully automated hedge. It uses predictions from MoneyChoice and trade on basis of them.
Trading Strategy #1: Long Strategy
In this strategy we buy whenever we get signal from MoneyChoice algorithm and sell if we hit stop loss price OR if the prediction target is achieved. This is the live portfolio which keeps updating automatically as we get more predictions.
It’s started on Jan 1’st 2016 with $100,000.
Trading Strategy #2: Short Strategy
In this strategy we short whenever we get signal from A-6 algorithm and cover if we hit stop loss price OR if the prediction target is achieved. This is the live portfolio which keeps updating automatically as we get more predictions.
It’s started on Jan 1’st 2016 with $100,000.
Trading Strategy #3: One indicator simple trade
In this strategy, you base your trades on only one indicator: "Prediction Success Ratio"
This indicator explains how effective was an algorithm in explaining future movement for a particular stock
The way to use strategy is in two steps:
1. Go to Platinum Trade Ideas Link and look for predictions with "Prediction Success Ratio" more than 7
2. Buy the stock next day or within next 5 days - between starting price and predicted price
This strategy, worked resulted in 412 success trades and 16 failed trades in last 4 years
The strategy works for both - Long and Short trades
Trading Strategy #4: Trading only tradeable predictions
In this strategy, you can pick any prediction only when stock price has moved up at-least 1 cent over its predicted price
1. This strategy has shown to significantly increases odd of success
2. Below chart shows the accuracy using this strategy